I watched the programme on Enoch last night on BBC2, fascinating stuff. Clearly he went too far in his speech with some of the phraseology he used such as, 'the black man will hold the whip hand over the white man' & 'grinning pickanninies', both of which are unbelievably ill-judged and bound to undermine the point he was making. however the central thrust of his analysis ie that uncontrolled immigration leads to a divided society, social discontent and the indignenous population being pushed out of whole areas of grim towns like Wolverhampton have been proven correct. Its a shame that he didn't challenge the useless Ted Heath for the Tory Party leadership, had he done so we'd have been spared Margaret Thatcher & Tony Blair.
Right, so apart from one dodgy speech, one of the most reviled, hate-mongering, racist scumbags in British history was really a cunning social analyst.
Who just despised all the non-whites.
What with this and your 'terrify the child' parenting campaign, no wonder you got banned from OG...
Spara, whatever you do, keep your pro-Enoch views to the confines of your blog. Any of that gets to the DWF, I feel another "SparaCull" coming on.
No, no, Spara, do share the views of righteous zealotry! You never know, OG might be a front for Enoch Fans desperate for acknowledgement for their fallen leader! After all, Ben has strictly limited himself to white folk from London and Cambridge, so we know how HE thinks about Mr Powell...
Go on Spara! Don't let them silence you!
Or are you so afraid of being banned, you'll stay silent like the rest of the sheep?
Actually, Youth, he pretty much repeated (well, copy & pasted) what he said here at the DWF. I'm not gonna get involved, final warnings & all that.
I will say in the comfort of this non-DWF website that Spara, last I checked, didn't receive any negative feedback for his thoughts on Powell. But that could be something to do with the fact he posted in a thread in the Tenth Planet, & unfortunately there are a selection of right-wing Tory arseholes who frequent that forum who make exceptional company for Spara.
He once said "David Cameron for PM", y`know. I'm glad I wasn't drinking at the time I first read it, as it would have gone all over my computer screen from laughing so much.
" Youth of Australia said...
Right, so apart from one dodgy speech, one of the most reviled, hate-mongering, racist scumbags in British history was really a cunning social analyst.
Who just despised all the non-whites."
Unfair comment! Enoch did not despise non-whites , he simply hilighted the social problems that uncontrolled immigration can cause.
" But that could be something to do with the fact he posted in a thread in the Tenth Planet, & unfortunately there are a selection of right-wing Tory arseholes who frequent that forum who make exceptional company for Spara."
These posters are moderate Conservatives not 'arseholes'.
David Cameron is hardly an 'arsehole'.
Don't tell ME what's an unfair comment. Powell caused more than enough misery without you flagging him up as an overenthusiastic social realist. You're basing your opinions on a TV show - weren't you supposed to have lived through this?
Get your story straight before coming crying to me.
Spara, my good man: Davey Boy Cameron will never be Prime Minister.
And that's not a bad thing, that's a good thing!
What? Cameron for PM?
I'm in full support.
(Sorry. I'm in a silly mood)
I have blogged on the film myself, one comment I make is about the piccaninny reference:
The OED says ‘piccaninny’ is now considered offensive when used by a white person about a black child. That is a racist double standard, and people who promote the double standard - like Hall - are anti-white.
Sparacus, you say David Cameron is hardly an 'arsehole'.
He supports ethnic nationalism for some peoples, while for others he encourages their race-replacement in the lands they call home. He is a racist arsehole - specifically anti-English, anti-European, and anti-non-Jewish.
The OED says ‘piccaninny’ is now considered offensive when used by a white person about a black child. That is a racist double standard, and people who promote the double standard - like Hall - are anti-white.
..or it could be a literal statement of fact. Note 'considered' offensive. ie, you point at a black child and say "Hee, look at the piccaninny!" the odds are that the mother will be offended.
It's no different from 'the n-word' being considered offensive when used by a white but not generally otherwise. It's society that makes these rules.
Not sure what you could possibly do with your apparently recently stripped freedom to racially abusive terms around that wouldn't be anti-black but each to their own...
Adrian Edmonsen says:
"For the worst person to take to a blues party, you can't go past Enoch Powell. For the worst person to invite along to a wife-swapping party, it'd be Mary Whitehouse's husband."
I think Ade pretty much sums it up and any further discussion is pointless.
Jared, - ‘piccaninny’ being offensive when used by a white person about a black child - is a literal statement of racism.
Piccaninny is not a racially abusive term - but its proscription for whites is a racist social convention, as you demonstrate.
Piccaninny is not a racially abusive term - but its proscription for whites is a racist social convention, as you demonstrate.
...well, if you choose to look at it in a "this glass is half-empty and I hate it" type of viewpoint.
I once made a comment on one of your stories, and you chose to ignore my criticism because, due to my usage of the word "Sodomy", I was simply being homophobic.
Why can Powell, in your eyes, get away with inciting racial hatred while I get ignored, and indeed banned from your blog, just because I used a perfectly valid word?
Or is spara just being heterophobic?
Like father like son - Ben is definitely heterophobic, so his creator...
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