Bought mine today. It has some nice documentaries, including one on the continuity elements. The 'coming soon' ad is for 'The Invasion of Time' and not 'Black Orchid', presumably because of changes in the release order. I've not yet found the supposed 'hidden feature' yet though.
Has it got that bit that happens when that bloke did that thing with the lead from a washing machine or something? That was the best part. The other good parts were when Pertwee was not in it. By the way have you any recipes for cling peaches? Or a small onion called Keith. OR IS THAT HOW IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE? I DON'T THINK SO MR MAN!
The Easter Egg is under Audio Options on Disc 1.
I've found the Easter Egg and I'm not impressed. I expected some fresh footage or a decent extra documentary.
Well, I don't tend to listen to commentaries on DVDs anyway. I knew the Easter Egg was a Tennant/Raynor chat ages ago, so my hopes were never high.
The only DVD commentaries I've ever listened to in full are for both Jackass movies, for some reason...
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