Sunday, 16 September 2007

I have been challenged.....

To write a Ben Chatham story with a new female character in it. As if my previous female characters are awful or something. What a cheek- who does this person think he is?


Youth of Australia said...

I have been challenged to write a Ben Chatham story with a new female character in it.
So? Get on with it, then.

As if my previous female characters are awful or something.
And they are awful.

All of them.

Katie Ryan, Corrine Shaw, Spartha Jones, Rose Chav Tyler - and all those teenage girls with throats ripped out...

ALL your female characters are beyond horrible and the mysogny drips from your stories like condensation.

That poor Tara girl was the last straw.

What a cheek- who does this person think he is?

He's Miles Ried, willing to use his real name, and a better writer than you.

The fact is, Spara, if you don't accept the challenge, then everything will think Miles is right and you couldn't create a sympathetic female if your life depended on it.

PS - if you can't take criticism, then you're not cut out for creative writing.

Youth of Australia said...

Sorry, Miles REID, not Ried as I accidentally put earlier.

Since the bloke's user name is available for all to see, I fail to comprehend why Spara was demanding to know who "this person" is since he can just click on the OG profile and find out for himself.

As awful female character Spartha would say in this situation, "GROW UP, NUMNUTS! STOP BEING SO IMMATURE!"

Youth of Australia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bernie Fishnotes said...

Well why did you accept then? Do you feel you have something to prove? And did you really think you'd get any support in this matter?

By the way, YoA, what do you think about Sparacus's opinion that anything you or Zorklord do for the annual, no matter how much time and effort you put in, is only secondary to Spara's input, even if it doesn't actually appear in the annual.

Youth of Australia said...

By the way, YoA, what do you think about Sparacus's opinion that anything you or Zorklord do for the annual, no matter how much time and effort you put in, is only secondary to Spara's input, even if it doesn't actually appear in the annual.

Sparacus's saying that stuff HE DOESN'T DO is better than stuff I DO do?

For example. His unwritten story where Rose and Ben shag in Paris and split up, followed by Jackie's miracle resurrection which leads into New Earth.

That is supposed to be better than the comic strip I drew with pencil, ink and took the best part of three weeks to do?


That doesn't exactly sound fair, does it?

And what's Zorklord done to deserve this too?

Youth of Australia said...

OK, people. I have a message here from behalf of Miles Reid. Why is he not posting it here himself? Well, because Spara will only let those with blogger accounts post comments on this blog.

This is, believe it or not, why there is so little traffic nowadays.

Over to you, Miles...

Who do I think I am? I'm Miles Alexander Reid, 24 Years Old, Cancer. Writer, Actor, Stand-up Comedian. Currently staying in the USA, enjoying a much deserved holiday with my Fiancee. I have already started my story- entitled 'The Decadence Society' which will no doubt be seen as an incredible addition to the Chathamological Canon, but will demand Ben Chatham, or indeed, the Chatham name bare incredible importance to the plot.

And to be honest, yes, I think your female characters are awful, if you had actually bothered to read ANY of my posts placed in any of the Chatham-related threads, you will see me complain about this issue on many occasions. I am by no means a feminist of the Greer School, oh dear God no, but I do believe that cliched and generic stereotyping of women (and all sexual/gender/ethnic groups) as appears in your stories is shockingly offensive, especially those that come from a member of a alternate lifestyle group that suffers immense stereotyping and horrendous treatment of it's own.

There, I have said all I need to say. Let us sharpen our metaphorical writers' swords and let us meet on the battlefield as Men of Art.

Miles Alexander Reid

Jared "No Nickname" Hansen said...

While you're fired up, any chance of a sneak-peek of Legacy of the Borad?

What's that? "Absolutely none, sod off?" Oh.

Cameron Mason said...

I have been challenged yo write a Ben Chatham story with a new female character in it.

Well make a start then - the soon you start, the sooner you finish, and the sooner people can crtique the story.

As if my previous female characters are awful or something.

Well actually... they are.

You reduced Rose to a love sick bimbo, Martha became this horrible shouting woman; every other female character exists just for Ben to shag and add a notch to the hetero bed post.

What a cheek- who does this person think he is?

Some one who thinks you can do better?


Youth of Australia said...

Ooh, he's got you there, spara.

Go on.

You're so bleeding talented, put your grotzi where you gob is!

See, that's why I'm so humble about my talents. Doesn't build up all these ridiculously high expectations... or in your case, ridiculously mediocre expectations.

And remember: The Lindig Valley Mystery is your next story. You promised me.

sparacus said...

"By the way, YoA, what do you think about Sparacus's opinion that anything you or Zorklord do for the annual, no matter how much time and effort you put in, is only secondary to Spara's input, even if it doesn't actually appear in the annual."

Excuse me! I have never said that YOA or Zorklord's work isn't important to the annual. It is of vital importance. YOA's cartoon is superb graphically and has added key elements to the Ben canon such as the design of his car.

sparacus said...

"That is supposed to be better than the comic strip I drew with pencil, ink and took the best part of three weeks to do?


That doesn't exactly sound fair, does it?"

I did not say that stories I haven't written are superior to your comic strip. That would be absurd.
Your strip was brilliant as was Zorklord's cover design and graphics.

sparacus said...

"And remember: The Lindig Valley Mystery is your next story. You promised me."

It is the next STRIP story.

Youth of Australia said...


And if you have stolen the Chathamobile as canon, I demand the rest of the comic strip be made canon as well.

It's all or nothing!

Anonymous said...

Excuse me! I have never said that YOA or Zorklord's work isn't important to the annual.

"...its divergence from my original script renders it only partially canon."

"Since I am the original Ben Chatham artist then it is up to me which bits of YOA's strip are canon."

"I don't wabt (sic) to labour the point and YOA's comic strip was very very good. However my original story is the canon one as it is written by the Ben Chatham originator."

But you ARE saying that it's not worthy of joining the canon, and any improvements the artist may make are irrelevant! Therefore, to avoid any confusion, the annual would have to omit the sections you consider non-canonical, leaving it without an ending, or leave out the whole strip altogether, and just post your first draft.