Friday, 27 April 2012

Ben Chatham Series now the longest running Dr Who spin off!

Its been going for 5 + years folks!


Cameron Mason said...

Utter rubbish.

Bernice Summerfield has had her own spin-off range running since 1997 - so that makes FIFTEEN years in June.


sparacus said...

Bernice Summerfield's spin-off range has not been continuous. It has had stops and starts.

Cameron Mason said...

Not really - Twilight of the Gods was published December 1999; Dead Men Diaries published September 2000 - a nine month gap to retool the series for a different publishing model.

That's the only planned major break; any others have been down to publishing delays.


Youth of Australia said...

Her unbroken run with Big Finish is about to reach its TWELFTH year.

And BC has plenty of stops and starts - your own canon resets, LBCgate, the up to six-month-wait in between episodes.

Suffice it to say, spara, do NOT repeat this boast near the Doctor Who Project folk on GB - they'll slit your fingers and break your throat.

Anonymous said...

Oh Mark , Mark, Mark.

Are you still peddling this Soaracus tripe? The joke( for what it) is got old years ago.