Sunday, 19 July 2015

"MIND TRAP" Part 6

OK folks, here is the much anticipated sixth part of this adventure:

"MIND TRAP" Part 6

Ben was horrified as he saw the assassination of Sir Douglas Leyton on the screen in front of him. He glared at Max Eastman:
"What the hell is going on Eastman? I demand that you reveal to us your sordid plans." Eastman laughed:
"Oh Ben, you do crack me up. What a pompous young man you are and of course you are not in a position to demand anything. But hell why not. I came to the conclusion long ago that peace and love would not triumph without a little push. That push will be the removal of hundreds of top government members, civil servants and influential members of the corrupt establishment. What I have perfected here is not hypnosis but deep hypnosis. A form of dormant hypnotic suggestion that can get anyone to attempt anything. Thousands of people have passed through this centre over the years. Many are now far closer to their targets than the girl whom you just saw on the screen. I can trigger them at will."
"You are insane Eastman. Even if you trigger a whole spate of assassinations the entire establishment is hardly going to collapse. New people will simply fill the roles", Ben replied angrily. Eastman laughed:
"I don't think that you fully appreciate the full scope of my plans. After the first large spate of killings I will reveal that it is well within my ability to take out the royal family and the Prime Minister, unless they abdicate their roles. Then I will neutralise the top end of the military and both developments will create the circumstances for my lads to take over."
Ben frowned:
"As I said, insane. And hardly peace and love . You're just a murderer." Eastman patted Ben on the shoulder:
"You can't make an omelette without cracking a few eggs. Its all for a better world Ben."
Meanwhile Katie, Sandra and Joe were exploring the upstairs rooms within the centre. They saw a uniformed man standing at the junction of one corridor and the next. As they approached him, he held up a hand:
"Sorry folks. This part of the centre is out of bounds to the general client. There are people here recovering from nervous breakdowns who must not be upset or disturbed." Katie stared at him:
"How dare you refer to me as a 'general client' ." Quickly she kicked him hard in the shin and as he bent down with the pain, Sandra kneed him in the face, causing him to fall back and hit his head on the wall. He collapsed." Katie and Sandra grinned and smacked hands:
"Right, lets explore!" Katie shouted. They strode down the corridor, the walls of which had peeling paint and strange brown stains. Sandra walked up to a door and tried the handle, but it was locked. She removed a set of police skeleton keys from her jacket pocket and in a short time had the door open. The room was in darkness and there was a moaning sound coming from the far corner. Joe found the light switch and they saw the young man, Chris lying on the bed with open sores caused by burning on his arms. Katie rushed towards him and saw that he was feverish and his eyes were rolling:
"He needs a Doctor immediately". However as she spoke the security guard whom they had overpowered earlier appeared in the doorway pointing a gun:
"None of you move. I think you lot have outstayed your welcome here".
Elsewhere in the building, Ben and Kyle had been strapped to chairs, which resembled those found in a dentist's treatment room. Eastman grinned as he lent over Ben:
"With your connections Ben, you will become a most valuable tool in my plans. Both of you will. However I must be certain that my deep hypnosis has fully worked on you. I imagine that you are both very strong willed."
Kyle wriggled however the straps holding him down were too strong:
"Ere you ain't gonna get me under no hypnotic mind control."
"Oh I think you'll succumb Mr Scott. However first you will watch how I treat and test Ben here."
Eastman stared into Ben's eyes and moved his forefinger from left to right in a rhythmic motion. As he did so an assistant in a white coat placed a helmet device on Ben's head with wires leading to a control panel. The assistant flicked several switches and Ben grimaced before falling strangely silent. Eastman kept moving his finger in front of Ben's face.
"Ben, you are in a safe place. You are happy. You are on a beach gazing at the sea and relaxing" Eastman stated. Ben smiled:
"I feel happy.... sea looks warm... might go for a swim..." Ben muttered. Kyle scowled:
"Well it must be workin' mate as Ben ain't ever 'appy". Eastman laughed:
"As I said Mr Scott, most people succumb very easily. However sometimes the technique doesn't work at all. Very rarely. As in the case of the youth you saw being eliminated earlier. It is best that they are relieved of existence. Otherwise they can have psychotic side effects such as the case of a girl called Lisa a while back. Dreadful business. She irresponsibly escaped then got herself into a road accident".
"Yeah we know. You're a first class bastard aren't you" Kyle exclaimed. Eastman grimaced:
"There is no need for invective. Its time to test Ben properly. I need to be sure that he is fully under my control. I find that under this technique any form of pain can be endured, no matter how unpleasant to the non-treated person. I think Ben here needs some dentistry, don't you think?"
Eastman went to a side drawer and took out a pair of pliers:
"You know, there was a Nazi concentration camp Doctor called Heinz Gruener who pioneered a form of hypnosis that enabled him to remove all of the teeth from someone one by one without the person resisting. However his technique only paralysed the victim and they still felt the pain as each tooth was wrenched out. However Ben shouldn't feel any pain at all under my conditioning. I think we'll just pull out a couple of teeth at the front. Of course it will ruin his pretty smile."
Eastman laughed as he approached Ben with the pliers, moving in close to Ben's face:
"Open wide" Eastman said, grinning as he moved the pliers in........ be continued.

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