Monday, 26 May 2008

New Characters Gallery

Shakey Jake Craig Chatham Barry Tuck

As yet Isobel remains uncast.


Jared "No Nickname" Hansen said...

Cor, that Craig's a fat bastard.

Jimmy Barnes said...

Perhaps so, "Anonymous", but at least this dumb cunt isn't hiding behind the Anonymous post function.

If you have something to say to "Lenny", then at least have the stones to sign in to Blogger, or at least use your DWF handle if you don't have an account.

Jimmy Barnes said...

Whoa, that was quick. No sooner had I read & replied to my mysterious friend, everything got deleted.

I expect these will be, too. Oh well.

Youth of Australia said...

Oh, God, not Anonymous again.

Listen, mate, you're not funny and I'm quite happy for Spara to delete your oh-so-wonderful material at his discretion. We don't have time for this crap.

BTW, Spara, bit more detail on your reviews would be in order. A one line description isn't worth the webspace IMO. Try for a decent paragraph in future, and you'll get more traffic on the blog.

Seriously, there's nothing to respond to here! You dig?

Jimmy Barnes said...

My reply to Mr. Anon just looks puzzling now that Spara deleted his comment but not mine.

Youth of Australia said...

So, er, what did he say? Roughly?

Jimmy Barnes said...

Roughly, or maybe accurately, he said: "You are one dumb c**t, Lenny". That was it.

I'm happy to be called that on the internet, I'm an outspoken member of a wrestling forum where insults are bandied back & forth for sport. The only thing I resent is the person saying it hasn't got the testicles to use some sort of username; DWF forum, Blogger, anything.

Spineless is what it is. What, my sweary friend? You think your pals at the Doctor Who Forum would disown you if they knew you used the "c-word" freely? Grow a fucking backbone if you want a flame war with "Lenny", bitch.

sparacus said...

"BTW, Spara, bit more detail on your reviews would be in order. A one line description isn't worth the webspace IMO. Try for a decent paragraph in future, and you'll get more traffic on the blog."

Fair point. I have been busy of late, however more reviews will follow shortly.

Youth of Australia said...

I agree with everything you say, Leonard. You're right in every respect.

And, Spara, what's your thoughts of The Infinite Quest?

Jimmy Barnes said...

I dunno about Sparacus, but I thought 'The Infinite Quest' was an enjoyable little story.

Jimmy Barnes said...

Oh sorry, I meant to ask this a couple of days ago:

Who the arse is Shakey Jake?...

sparacus said...

I've yet to fully watch 'The Infinite Quest', although I have the dvd.

Shakey Jake is a character in 'The Vampire Planet' - my current BC story.

Jimmy Barnes said...

Yeah, thanks Spara, I gathered he was a Chathamverse personage already.

But who is Shakey Jake in the REAL world?

Colin said...

Does Spara have any conception of "the real world"?

Youth of Australia said...

He's from Tony Robinson's Time Team, isn't he?

Jimmy Barnes said...

"Does Spara have any conception of "the real world"?"

I think we all know know the answer to that. Well, all of us except Spara & a few of his fans.

"He's from Tony Robinson's Time Team, isn't he?"

So, not an actual actor, then? Oh Gawd.

That's about as bad as "casting" a Belgian singer called Katie Ryan as the eponymous character simply because they share a name.

Is Spara right in the head?...

Youth of Australia said...

You know, I never thought to ask.

Jimmy Barnes said...

Ask Spara? Yeah, he'll give us an accurate answer, won't he?

"I'm a 40-something man who spends all of my spare time writing childish, misogynistic stories, whilst having unpleasant fantasies over Adam Rickitt."

Nope, he's NOT right in the head. Like we didn't already know that, though.

Youth of Australia said...

I wouldn't say they're "unpleasant" fantasies... the though of licking honey off Adam Rickitt doesn't do anything for me but then
a) I hate honey
b) I hate Adam Rickitt
c) I'm straight.

But then, my problem has never been Spara's obsession with Rickitt, just the way he keeps violently inserting it into Doctor Who.

Would you believe it? My parents are gemini twins, born on the same day as each other.

AND Adam Rickitt.

Celestially speaking, I'm related to the bastard! Maybe I shouldn't have slagged him off that time him and me emailed each other...

Jimmy Barnes said...

You corresponded with Rickitt? I bet Ver Goach was secretly seething with jealousy.

I'm guessing you asked him his thoughts on Doctor Who, & he responded by saying he wasn't arsed. I think I've heard the story before at Myth Makers...

Youth of Australia said...

Well, basically AR was going on about how he had this secret project about to happen and Spara twisted everyone's ears off about how it HAD to be Doctor Who. Was sick to death of it, so I emailed his website with a simple, "Are you going to play anyone in Doctor Who?" The answer was a polite "Doctor Who is crap, no way am I doing that" - which was proved when secret project was revealed to be his NZ soap what I forget the name of.

When I revealed this on OG, someone told the mods I was harrassing Spara with hatemail - absolutely a fucking lie, as Spara himself will attest - and I got banned. The only PM I had with Spara was recommending a couple of activity books. And I believe Spara when he said HE didn't shop me. Someone on OG is out to get me and I think it's Mlock.

Jimmy Barnes said...

I wouldn't trust MLock as far as I could throw his hero Johnny "10 Tons Of Unfunny" Vegas.

Youth of Australia said...

It's his avatar...

Jimmy Barnes said...

I haven't seen anything by MLock at the DWF for a while. Another boon from giving up all the arseyness in the Myth Makers.

Lock claims he's a "well-paid comedy writer". If it's Vegas he's writing for, then suddenly everything makes sense.

(Rickitt's NZ soap is Shortland Street, BTW. Like you really needed to know THAT again...)

Youth of Australia said...

I'd completely forgotten and couldn't be arsed to check my own blog. Truly, the days of Chathamania are OVER.

Cameron Mason said...

Truly, the days of Chathamania are OVER.

And so it ends.

Not with a bang, nor a whimper, but with a final defiant cry of "but I have a degree!" that echoes and fades away into infinity...


Youth of Australia said...

Anyway, on more interesting news, I finally got the Miranda comic books...

Johnstone McGuckian said...

Wow, I thought/hoped this blog had died.

Jimmy Barnes said...

"Wow, I thought/hoped this blog had died."

It's pretty much on life support, like the general Chathamverse in the Myth Makers.

God, 'Dutch Oven' seems like a lifetime away...

Johnstone McGuckian said...

Those were tough times Len but we got through them and we're now winning this war.

Youth of Australia said...

Winning? I'd say we've won except for the insane kamikaze LBC screaming from his bunker and dismissing the surrender as enemy propaganda...

Jimmy Barnes said...

Is LBC still being a pseudo-depressive, attention-seeking berk? Thankfully I've avoided him at the DWF for ages now...

Youth of Australia said...

You answered your own question there, dude.