Sunday, 4 November 2007

Marking holding up work on 'Nemesis'

I've had to do two piles today. The next parts of Nemesis will not be finished until the end of the week at least. Maybe I could reduce my hours and write more Who if a fund were organised to sponsor me.


Scyther Slitheen said...

1. Surely your job is way more important then Who fiction?

2. Why on earth whould anyone sponser you, thats just crazy in the bad type of way!

Youth of Australia said...

Boo frigging hoo.

Maybe you'd find it easier to write if you managed your time effectively and laid off the absinthe for a while.

A fund? Pathetic. There are people in this world more hard off than you are, mister history teacher. You don't need a fund, you need to realize how lucky you are to have a roof over your head.

Wilf said...

I think you need to work more hours.

Youth of Australia said...

No, think of his poor students! Better we suffer, THEY have their whole lives ahead of them...