Sunday, 9 March 2008

More delays to 'Crystal'

"Crystal" will have to wait for a few more days as I'm snowed under with reports and other work. However the longer the wait, the greater the satisfaction.......


Youth of Australia said...

Well, since you've had 100% failure so far, this philosophy doesn't have any basis in fact.

sparacus said...

Please don't pre-judge 'Crystal'

Youth of Australia said...

Why not? You prejudge things all the time.

sparacus said...

Untrue! I go on the initial evidence.

Youth of Australia said...

Well, all the initial evidence says that you will put as little work into Crystal as any other of your stories - less, even, because you're SO busy. Ergo, it will be rubbish and not worth the wait.

That logic cannot be argued with.

Anonymous said...

Well, to be honest, when I think of 'Crystal' I also have to think of every single Sparacus story. Your track record isn't the best.

Youth of Australia said...

Hell, Bernie Fishnotes' Spara-story generator has come up with better stuff than Spara himself.

If THAT isn't a sign of zero talent, then what is?

(I know, I know, stealing a block of cheese and HB sauce from a NZ corner shop - Rickitt's going to go to HELL for that!!)

Youth of Australia said...

BTW, you announced three specials - a sequel to IOTD (Winter of the Lost), a Robin Hood crossover (The Lord of Reedy River) and a story set on an alien planet with vampires.

Neither Ghosts of Weatherfield or Crystal match the Bill and you have now overreached your self-alloted quota.

Shockingly unprofessional - the BBC would never employ you.

Jimmy Barnes said...

Spara has recently been making enquiries at the DWF over how to become a Dr. Who novel author.

Quite shockingly, noone told him the first & most important rule: get some talent.

Youth of Australia said...

Yes. He decided to give up and stick to his BC "work" because he assumed it was a Catch-22 situation and didn't have the imagination to get out of the situation.

It's like Destiny of the Daleks sometimes...